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Singapore, Singapore
Dr John Yam Poh Nam, Ph.D. (University of South Australia), MBA (University of Strathclyde), B. Eng, Electrical (National University of Singapore) 任保南博士 南澳大利亚大学, 斯特拉思克莱德大学, 新加坡国立大学 Council Member of The Workers' Party, Served as Inspector of Police - Singapore Police Force (1981-83)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speech at the Yishun Stadium 1st May 2011 by Dr John Yam Poh Nam

Welcome! My dear fellow Singaporeans It's my honor to share my political beliefs and vision with you this evening. I will begin my speech with a brief greetings to my Malay friends in Bahasa Melayu, follow by Cantonese and Mandarin. The remaining part of my speech will be in English.

Selamat datang Dan selamat malam.
Apa khabar?
Bahasa melayu saya kurang fasil.
Harap maaf.
Para pengundi, salamat berhormat.
Nama saya jalah John Yam.
Saya bawah kumpulan cahlon berdiri di Nee Soon GRC.
Saya minta sokong tuan-tuan Dan puan-puan.
Tolonglah, undi parti perkerja.
Undilah, undilah Parti Perkerja.
Ke arah parlimen dunia pertama.
Terima kasih


只要我还身体健康,我就有义务为大家付出我的一切来提升我们的生活素质。为了我们这一代人,和我们的下一代。我与你们站在同一阵线。我是出生在一个贫苦的家庭,但是我刻苦学习, 努力的奮鬥,现在還算得上事業有成. 我是畢業以华中初级学院之後就在新加坡警察部隊国民服役,當一名警長。现在我要在这里宣告,我也要完成自己的第二个国民服役—就是为各位居民服务!


回首过去五年,你们的生活水平是否提高了?设想十年之后,当你们退休之时,我们的社会将会是点样一个社会?大家是否重付得起更高的生活开支在新加坡安享晚年?行动党太令我们失望了。以经有太多太多的外国人在新加坡同我地竞争抢饭碗。新加坡已经达到不能负荷的地步了- 极高的房价、高涨的生活费和低水平的生活质量。




请大家谨慎的投下你们宝贵的一票,为了有一个监督与制衡的国会. 在过去你们当中或许没有机会投工人党一票。今天我们在这里为大家提供了机会与选择. 我们亲爱的同胞们, 过去的十年,你们的生活水平是否提高了吗?设想十年后, 当你们退休时是会怎么样?你们能付得起昂高的生活开支在新加坡安享晚年吗?投下你们信任的一票给工人党,迈向第一世界的国会。谢谢大家。

Good evening, I am John Yam Poh Nam, WP candidate for the Nee Soon GRC.
Are we better off now compared to five years ago?
With a GDP growth of 14.7 percent last year, which is mainly contributed by the opening of the two casinos, how many new jobs have been created for us Singaporeans. I challenge the labour minister to provide us the statistical breakdown here. How many jobs are actually created for Singaporeans. Please do not lump up the employment figure of Singaporeans and PRs! We need more transparency here. The ruling party is importing another 80,000 foreign workers. Many of our loved ones, especially those who are above 45 years old - are facing difficulties in looking for jobs. Is our public housing truly affordable, as what the ministers claimed. Perhaps only for the top income earners. With the escalated HDB flat prices, we will have little saving in our CPF on retirement after paying our housing mortgage. This is a very critical issue for our children & the younger generation, especially those who are planning to start their new families. Yes, HDB flats was an investment for Singaporeans 15 years ago, but not anymore today.

The suppressed wages many Singaporeans are facing, job competition caused by the overly liberal and problematic immigration policy have made life really difficult for Singaporeans. Our frustration that come from the very real problems, such as the rising cost of housing, overcrowding of public transport, increased competition for jobs from foreigners and the long hours of work and stress.

Singapore has the poorest productivity number not only in Asia but worldwide. Average productivity growth across East Asia and the Pacific in 2009 was 2.4 per cent, and minus one per cent worldwide.
According to CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) 2009 public debt country comparison, Singapore rank 6th. We are behind Zimbabwe, Jamaica, Lebanon. The labour movement by NTUC promotes Singapore ecomony and workforce to be Cheaper, Better and Faster instead of value add, continual improvement of work process and efficiency. It also contradict with the ruling party justification of high pay and transformation. Based on Mr Lim Swee Say campaign of "Cheaper, Better and Faster", does it means that the ruling party will take the lead to reduce their salary so as to be cheaper and better. Clearly, the quality of the present cabinet minister is definitely not better than during the time of Dr Goh Keng Swee and Mr Ong Teng Cheong, as to deserve such high salary.

Why PAP did nothing for 5 yrs and now $600 mil upgrading before Elections? Whose money is that? PAP money? Will PAP deprive Nee Soon voters of $600 mil if PAP loses the Election? Please make this very clear to ALL Nee Soon voters. PAP owes them the answer!

PAP runs this nation like a company. The public service organizations under the PAP are too carried away and overly profit driven. PAP is making Singaporeans pay more and more - GST. ERP. COE. By voting for PAP, do you think public housing will become more affordable?

Do you think train and bus rides will be cheaper? The costs of living will be lower? Foreigners won't squeeze Singaporeans out of jobs and schools? Do you believe we will have a better future?

Towards a first world parliament. This is our dream - I believe deeply that we cannot truly call Singapore a democratic nation unless we work hard together - unless we improve our political system by understanding that we may have different stories, but we hold common hopes; we may not have come from the same background, but we all want to move in the same direction - towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren. This was one of the tasks we set forth at the beginning to the end of this election campaign -- to continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal, more
free, more caring and more prosperous Singapore.
Towards a first world parliament.

Say NO to rising HDB prices. Say NO to higher costs of living. Say NO to poorer quality of living. Say NO to foreigners squeezing Singaporeans out of jobs, schools, trains and buses! To all my foreigner friends. I assure you we are not xenophobic, we are not against you. We are fighting for the basic rights of our fellow Singaporeans. Say YES to your voice in Parliament. Say YES to check and balances. Say YES to a better future for Nee Soon and Singapore. Say YES to the Workers' Party. Vote for the Workers' Party on May 7!

We share your belief when there is competition, there will be progress. Grant us the honor and mandate to serve you. Together, we will build a better tomorrow, towards a first world parliament. Vote us all WP into the parliament. Thank you. 谢谢大家。Terima Kasih.

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