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Singapore, Singapore
Dr John Yam Poh Nam, Ph.D. (University of South Australia), MBA (University of Strathclyde), B. Eng, Electrical (National University of Singapore) 任保南博士 南澳大利亚大学, 斯特拉思克莱德大学, 新加坡国立大学 Council Member of The Workers' Party, Served as Inspector of Police - Singapore Police Force (1981-83)

Friday, January 22, 2010

精英教育- 开倒车, 拒绝分流!

外国人只认识我们的政府,精英和领导,新加坡人通常相信并且习惯于把所有事情都交给政府决定。不是只有新加坡政府才有顶尖的人才. 我晓得一些在美国成功顶尖的新加坡人:包括NASA负责美国国家宇航局无人驾驶木星探索的首席科学家;在西雅图的飞机设计师。 我不晓得他们现在还持有新加坡护照,当时选择离开新加坡的国人有很大的相似之处,他们不是南洋大学(新加坡六七十年代的中文大学)就是理工学院学生,他们没有机会在新加坡完成大学教育,进入 "新大" (当时的 SU - Singapore University)进修。新加坡精英教育政策是严重人才的流失的根源。

这是我们的精英教育和分流所造成的……我们的收入差距的问题也是越来越严重。而分流与名校就是我们社会的分化的源动力。这难道不是与我们宣誓的"One United People"相违背?


举个例子,"O" 水准的高级华文学生无需在初级学院继续修读华文,而对于其他的学生这是必修课。这项政策,我担心这会让学生错误的认为他们在考好华文之后就不必再学习华文。




是的,教育部目前在尝试改变,相信我们的教育系统是因材施教,但是不论我们如何改变,学校学生还是承受着巨大压力。这已经违背了教育的本质 - 百年树人。


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Agreed that the education system though seemingly helping us but actually will lead to some major social problems. We might have already seen some cracks now, and these cracks will gradually develop to become gaps in the society over a long time.

    As we know, from history and daily life observation, anything major won't happen over night but over time the effects will appear and be obvious and by then it will be too late. Just as Mr Low once said in one of his parliamentary speeches: “到时候就元气大伤了。”

    Perhaps, our education system is what it is is due to the education policies, just as other government policies, which are driven by the one goal: profit making. We churn our students according to the market demand, or so the policy makers thought what will be hot. Not totally wrong but if not careful and stretched too far to the extreme we lose the purpose of education, just as you said: "违背了教育的本质 - 百年树人。"

    Perhaps this video clip may give us some idea about how the profit making idea came about in our policy making.
