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Singapore, Singapore
Dr John Yam Poh Nam, Ph.D. (University of South Australia), MBA (University of Strathclyde), B. Eng, Electrical (National University of Singapore) 任保南博士 南澳大利亚大学, 斯特拉思克莱德大学, 新加坡国立大学 Council Member of The Workers' Party, Served as Inspector of Police - Singapore Police Force (1981-83)

Monday, June 28, 2010

久合必分, 分久必合: 三分天下, 三國盡歸司馬氏


Friday, June 25, 2010

Singapore Cruel Teacher

This is elitism in Singapore education system. Just take a look at the teachers'workload. If these educators are so stressed up, what more down the line to the students? The heavy price we are paying for due to agressive streaming, ranking and branding in our schools.Due to the ranking system, parents and education professionals are so obsessed in getting good grades that moral values declined in the priority order. Aggressive streaming done at too young an age kill alot of late developers and potential talents. This is equivalent to pre-qualifying marathoner during the early part of the race, eg the first five kilometers. Even Hong Kong already joined the Nobel club last year. Under MOE system, after more than 45 years, this country yet to produce our first Nobel Prize!

Singapore Drainage System Able to Cope?

This morning (25th June 2010) heavy downpour, another day of flooding in Singapore, though not as severe as the Orchard River syndrome 16th June 2010. While global warming is one main cause, is this country drainage system infrastructure and its design truly built to cope? Despite the water pump system at the Marina Bay Reservoir is the world second largest, next to the one in Amsterdam - not sure if this pumping system is part flood management system of the entire island of Singapore, the increased frequency of severe flooding here aroused genuine concern among Singaporeans.

Friday, June 11, 2010



- 任保南博士

Monday, June 7, 2010

Singapore Educational Elitism

Recommended Reading:
...yet another stream exists in the Singaporean educational system, though it does not seem to be officially called a ‘stream’. Instead, it is a ‘programme’: the Gifted Education Programme. Its history dates from 1983, when the ‘Gifted Project’ Concept Paper was approved by the Ministry of Education, and it was first implemented in two primary schools and two secondary schools in 1984. GEP students would attend classes specially prepared for them on a tailored curriculum, separately from other pupils in the same school. Its mission is to ‘provide leadership in the education of the intellectually gifted’ and to ‘(nurture) gifted individuals to their full potential for the fulfilment of self and the betterment of society’ (MOE, 2004b). Selection for the GEP was based on a nation wide intensive battery of IQ based selection tests to identify the top 1 percent of pupils[9], at the age of 9 for the primary school programme and at the age of 12 for the secondary school programme. The curriculum is enriched and the teachers are specially trained (MOE, 2004b) as might be expected in a programme for pupils deemed to be gifted...read on...

The Third Wei Reading

Friday, June 4, 2010

歷史考試前夕 - 梁文福

歷史考試前夕 - 梁文福

如果秦始皇燒書都燒完 我不必讀到三點半
如果周公真的忙著治天下 何必不斷催我入夢鄉

三閭大夫不投汨羅江 賣粽子老王生活怎麼辦
如果楚霸王當年不到烏江 隔壁班劉邦不會這麼囂張

西施不浣紗 昭君不和番 現代的古典美人做何打算
如果劉備哭不出諸葛亮 會不會鬧出一陣劇本荒

只看過薛丁山 偏要考安祿山 知道馮寶寶她演過楊玉環
若非十二金牌將岳飛來調返 今天還吃不吃到油條香

我吃過月餅當然知道朱元璋 吃榴槤知道鄭和下西洋
胡金銓的戲裡聽過東西廠 看金庸小說知道袁崇煥

只嘆林則徐燒鴉片燒不完 西太后偏偏相信義和團
珍妃不該嫁給那個光緒皇 幾千年等到一個孫中山

萬里長城長 沒有歷史長 考試題目比那絲路還彎
五胡亂華亂 我的腦筋更亂 心情比那個八國聯軍慌

多少年的改變已經很習慣 多少次革命總是革不完
謝天謝地近代史老師講不完 下一代歷史考試不敢想像

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Flunked exams, still ended up in MIT - The ST Interview 2nd June 2010

I met Mr Lee Kwok Cheong some years ago while he was still the CEO of NCS. He is a genuine foreign talent, very much needed by our country, that contributes to our nation, created a legacy by transforming NCS (National Computer Systems) into a regional IT powerhouse. The impression Mr Lee left on me at that time - one of those Singapore government PSC scholars. A very humble, friendly and approachable person.
I only realised that I was wrong this morning when I read The Straits Times - ST Interview. As reported, Mr Lee actually flunked in his Hong Kong's equivalent of the PSLE and had to repeat his exams. But his faltering first steps in education (in Hong Kong)did not stop him from excelling in his studies later. In 1973, he won a place at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) to pursue a double degree in management and computer science.
I wonder if any of our pupils who flunked their PSLE exams today, will by default stream to study in the "Normal-Technical" course, will ever have the opportunity to further their studies like Mr Lee. Will such pupils have a second chance to prove themselves under our education system? Our present MOE policy of aggressive streaming at too young age, ranking and branding of the schools, is unhealthy in the development of creative and independent thinking next generation of Singaporeans, much less to ever aspire to become successful entrepreneur like Mr Lee Kwok Cheong. Late developers like Stephen Hawking and Albert Einstein have no place in Singapore under the present education system!