About Me

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Singapore, Singapore
Dr John Yam Poh Nam, Ph.D. (University of South Australia), MBA (University of Strathclyde), B. Eng, Electrical (National University of Singapore) 任保南博士 南澳大利亚大学, 斯特拉思克莱德大学, 新加坡国立大学 Council Member of The Workers' Party, Served as Inspector of Police - Singapore Police Force (1981-83)

Monday, November 30, 2009

Is Mandarin our Mother's Tongue? Not quite

To Chinese Singaporeans, who are mostly Hokkiens and Cantonese, our true mother's tongue is actually our dialects, not Mandarin. Forty years ago, in those days, our parents referred Mandarin as China national language (国语), not our mother's tongue (母语). I believe our Ministry of Education is making a very serious mistake when they introduced the learning of Mandarin as our mother's tongue.
From personal experience, having mastered Cantonese and Hokkien in my childhood made learning Mandarin alot easier when I entered primary school.
Since the launch of the "Speak Mandarin" campaign, sad to see that many of our youths who grew up under Singapore elitism education policy, are struggling more with learning Mandarin. Instead of being bilinguals, our youths are reduced to monolinguals. Even worse, we are speaking Singlish instead of proper English. Something is seriously wrong here!

Monday, November 23, 2009

Are We Truly Bilingual?

Thirty years ago, it was quite common that our students could speak English, Mandarin plus one or more dialects. With the "Speak Mandarin Campaign" launched in the early 80', dialects at that time started to become extinct dinosaurs - we were producing bilingual graduates - at that time not sure we have any reasons to feel proud. Since ten years ago, our pupils speak only Singlish. Recently I learnt from an Indonesian friend of mine that parents in Indonesia are encouraging their children to learn Mandarin. Hope the day will not come when both Malaysia and Indonesia are producing more and more triligual graduates whereas Singapore becoming more and more a monolingual society - a worrying trend!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


任保南博士 南澳大利亚大学,斯特拉思克莱德大学,新加坡国立大学









皇后长孙氏的祖先为北魏拓跋氏,太子 -





中华人民共和国目前是由汉族精英所领导的,这并不是某些人所想象的中国的崛起会是一种威胁。中国建国前三十年与西方的摩擦不是因为中国崛起而是因为共产党思想 与西方自由民主主义的对峙,所以这些恐惧与威胁是没有依据的。稳定的世界可能需要三国三分天下的局面,互相制衡。相反的中国的崛起给美国造成了权力的牵制,三大超级强国,美国,中国与第三个超级大国,让我们拭目以待。